Choco mousse

Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts

Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts

Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts I’m not a pastry Chef, but even I could make it. And, I tell you what: this Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts is THE BEST and THE MOST DELICIOUS Chocolate Petit Gâteau that could possibly be created by humankind! No jokes, pure facts. You can watch the full video of me making Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts here Part 1 – Chocolate mousse 140g 70% Chocolate 50g Egg yolks 27g Sugar 0.6g Salt 4g powdered Gelatine 17.6g cold Water 250g 40% Cream Ingredients, you’ll need Directions Bloom the gelatine in cold water (for at least 20-30 min). Whip cream to medium peaks and keep it aside (maybe put it in the fridge for now). Set up 2 double-boilers. Melt chocolate over 1 double boiler. Whisk together egg yolks, sugar and salt and heat over 2nd double boiler to reach 82C / 180F (while continuously whisking). Temper chocolate, and then mix it with the egg mixture, bloomed gelatine and 1/3 of the whipped cream. Fold in the rest of the cream without over-mixing and loosing the puffy, airy texture.  Pour the chocolate mousse into piping bag and set it aside. Part 2 – Sweet walnut core 100g Preserved walnuts 50g Berry jam Ingredients Directions Cut walnuts into small pc. Mix with the jam. Mold the mix into small ramekins and freeze solid. Part 3 – Chocolate glaze 100g 70% Chocolate 100g 40% Cream 20g Coffee butter 20g Liquid glucose Ingredients Directions Mix cream & glucose. Bring to boil. Pour the cream mix over chocolate, let it melt, mix. Stir in cubed butter for extra shine. Part 4 – Assembly of the Chocolate Petit Gâteau with preserved walnuts Take your molds* out. Pour in chocolate mousse (fill up to about 3/4). Push in the frozen walnut jam. Top with a rind of a sponge cake of your choice. Freeze everything solid. Take the Petit Gâteau out of the molds. Freeze again. Pour the chocolate glaze of the frozen cakes. Decorate the bottom part of the cakes with regular walnuts, and top it with a leaf of edible gold. *I’m using here SILIKOMART PROFESSIONAL Pine molds.  Tools, you might need for this recipe **Images below are linked to third party websites, such as Amazon. Should you chose to purchase any of those items there, Chef Rudakova will receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Microplane Zester Stand Mixer Food Digital Thermomether You might also like this Recommended Blog Posts Learn to cook like a Chef with my new course This online course is quite unique in a way, that it’s not a collection of recipes, it’s rather a carefully selected package of theoretical knowledge about culinary techniques and skills with elaborate examples.  As I often say, knowing a 1000 recipes will not make you a great Chef, but knowing food science & mastering culinary techniques will! And this course is exactly about that! Learn More

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Choco Mousse Cake

Choco Mousse Cake

I am a huge fan of chocolate and tried tones of deserts with chocolate incorporated in them, but this Choco Mousse Cake is by far the best variation! Yes, it does take time to cook and yes, the difficulty level is high for this recipe. However, if you follow the measurements provided below and my instructions EXACTLY, there is nothing for you to worry about. Don’t panic, but always remember that baking is a science and even a small alteration from the course laid out will lead to a completely different result. *The only modification from this recipe, that I can assure you is safe to make is the size of the cake. If you wish you can go for a full-size Choco Mousse Cake, instead of the miniature version that I’ve made in this example. Preparation time: 3 hours Cooking time: 40-60 min. Per servings: 20 miniature cakes / 1 large cake Ingredients: Choco Sponge 300 g Bread Flour 10 g Baking Powder 50 g Cocoa 6 g Baking Soda 240 g (app. 4) Whole Eggs 480 g Sugar 4 g Salt 1 Vanilla Bean 300 g Whole Milk 65 g Butter 5 tbsp Maple syrup 1 tbsp Water Choco Mousse 350 g Couverture 52%, a.k.a. choco chips for baking (no added sugar) 125 g (app. 6.5) Egg Yolks 70 g Sugar Pinch of Salt 10 g Gelatin powder 44 g Cold Water 20 g Coconut Rum 625 ml 35% Whipping Cream Equipment & tools Standing mixer Whisk Spatula Scales Oven, set to 320-340 F (fan mode) Baking tray Thermometer Large bowl Fork Small saucepan 2 Large metal mixing bowls Large saucepan with boiling water Molds (as per your choice) Directions: Choco Sponge Preheat the oven. Sift the bread flour, baking powder, baking soda and cocoa in a large bowl and whisk them together, until completely mixed. Mix the eggs a little with a fork. Add the eggs, sugar, salt and scrapped vanilla paste into a standing mixer and whisk them together until fluffy texture (speed 3, app. 5-7 min). In a small saucepan warm the milk and melted butter (cut in small cubes before adding to milk, so it melts better). Milk should not be boiling, just warm (if your room temp. is 21-22 C, milk temp. should be 17 C). Fold the dry ingredients mix (from step 2) into egg mixture with a spatula. Gradually fold in wormed milk with butter. Spread the mixture on a medium size baking tray, lined with baking paper. Make sure that it is completely even in width. Bake in the oven until the internal temp. of 210 F. Once it reaches the temperature, turn the oven off, take the sponge out and chill. Cut out the sponges, size as per your cake form (remember it will be 2 layers cake). Once cooled, soak the sponges with a mix of maple syrup and water (5 to 1 proportion). Choco Mousse Soak gelatin in cold water, mix a little and set aside, let it bloom. Whim the cream in a standing mixer to medium peaks and put in the fridge for now. Create a double boiler, a.k.a. bain-marie (boil the water in a large saucepan, place a metal bowl in top). Melt the chocolate chips, gradually adding more, over the bain-marie. Set it aside on a hot side for now. Over the same bain-marie whisk the egg yolks, salt and sugar until fluffy. Add the rum, mix. Set aside. Over the same bain-marie melt the gelatin, until completely melted and transparent. Add the gelatin and 1/3 of the whipped cream and the egg mixture to the melted chocolate, mix with a spatula. Mixture should be smooth and creamy, once it is completely mixed, do not mix any more. Chill for a few minutes*. Fold in gently the remaining 2/3 of the whipped cream. Do not overmix! *Never fold the whipped cream of beaten eggs into a hot mixture, they will cook and coagulate, make your mouse more firm that it is desired. Choco Mousse Cake Assembly Place the cut, as per your mold choice, and soaked sponge on the bottom. Pour the mousse mixture over, let it set for a few minutes. Place another layer of sponge. Pour another layer of the mouse. Chill to set. Decorate your Choco Mousse Cake as you desire. World is your oyster when it comes to decorations 🙂 Enjoy!

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