El Dorado Tetelas recipe

El Dorado Tetelas recipe

El Dorado Tetelas recipe is my gourmetnized version of the traditional Mexican Oaxaca Tetelas. It was inspired by my favourite Mexican restaurant in Toronto, Quetzal, that’s making wonderful layered Tetelas in-house, using 2 types of Masa-Harina dough: yellow corn masa and purple corn masa, and decorating them with Mexican aromatic herbs.   Masa-harina is different from corn meal and corn flour. It is a dried and powdered form of Masa, that is made through a process of nixtamalization of corn (soaking corn in limewater). I would not recommend you to substitute Masa-Harina neither with corn meal, nor corn flour. The end taste and texture would be very different and likely disappointing. In this recipe I’ll show you how to make the Next Level of the amazing Mexican Tetelas. We are going to cook a layered / laminated Tetela Masa-Harina dough, using 2 types of dough, fill them in with refried bean paste and decorate them with the edible gold. CHECK OUT THIS DETAILED STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO WITH GUIDANCE TO LEARN, HOW TO MAKE 24K GOLD EL DORADO TETELAS   INGREDIENTS FOR THE EL DORADO TETELAS MASA DOUGH 210g Masa-Harina 250g Water 1/2 tbsp Charcoal powder 10 ea Golden leafs DIRECTIONS Mix 1/2 of the Masa-Harina with 1/2 of the water and work the dough a little bit. If the dough is too dry, add a splash more of water. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts, form small balls and keep in between 2 wet paper towels. Mix the 2nd half of the Masa-Harina with the charcoal powder and then with water. Work this dough as well, form balls and keep hydrates just the same. Use the Tortilla press to flatten up the yellow dough and the dark dough separately. One at a time. Cut out a small circle from the dark dough, place it on top of the yellow dough, and press with the Tortilla press again, impressing one dough into another. Wet a little the inner side of the flattened dough and fill it in with some retried beans paste (see the recipe below). Fold gently in a triangle. Fry 2 min on each side on a heavy-bottomed pan. Keep hydrated afterwards. Cut out small pyramids from the edible gold leafs and stick them with a little water on top of the cooked Tetelas (inside the circle). Enjoy! INGREDIENTS FOR THE REFRIED BEAN PASTE 400g Pinto Beans (or any beans that you like) 50g Butter (I’m using vegan butter) 300g Onions 60g Garlic (minced) Salt (tt) 1L Vegetable stock DIRECTIONS Brunoise onions and caramelize them on low heat with a little bit of butter and salt. Meanwhile, cook out the beans of your choice with vegetable stock. They must be VERY cooked through. Process the cooked beans with caramelized onions together in a food processor, add garlic and salt to taste. Heat up the frying pan with butter, add the bean paste and refry it for a little while. Add more veg. stock once fried, if needed (depending how spreadable you want your refried bean paste to be). Keep refrigerated in an airtight container. If you want to learn other cool culinary techniques, click HERE. You can also see more of my video recipes HERE.

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