Michelin Star⭐️ Fish and Chips | BURST OF FLAVOR in one bite [Molecular Gastronomy recipe]
This single bite Michelin Star⭐️ worth Fish and Chips Amuse Bouche is a true representation of Deliciousness🤓 and how fine dining and molecular gastronomy cooking techniques can deliver results so similar in flavor and satisfaction to original classical dishes.
In this case, we are applying several fine dining techniques and modernizing the famous Fish n Chips🇬🇧
We’ll make crystal potato chips, fish puree and #spherified Tartare Pearls, using the reverse spherification method.
The result is a real burst of flavor!🤯 You know EXACTLY what you are eating – you are eating Fish & Chips in one bite. While looking at beautiful edible jewelry 🙃💍
Part 1 of 4 - Crystal potato chips
- 2 Large starchy potatoes
Ingredients, you’ll need
- Juice the potatoes, using the fruit juicer machine.
- Preheat the oven to 200C / 392F.
- Pour the potato juice onto a FLAT (important) baking tray.
- ….