Potato ice cream recipe

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That’s my take on potato ice cream. A very cool and creative version of the ice cream. It might seem a bit too edgy by the sound of it, but I promise you, potato ice cream is VERY COOL! 

Give it a try 🤓and let me know your thoughts ✌

You can watch the full video of me making Potato Ice Cream here

Part 1 - Pistachio S’mores shells

  • 2 large potatoes
  • 500g Coconut cream

Ingredients, you’ll need


  1. Cut potatoes into wedges and char on open fire. They don’t need to cook through, they just need to get charred.
  2.  Place potatoes into a large pot, add in coconut cream, bring to simmer.
  3.  Add in honey and a pinch of salt, and cook on low simmer while mixing from time to time, until the potatoes are completely cooked through and very soft.
  4. ….

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