
creating recipes like a Chef

EASY guide to creating recipes like a Chef

Easy guide to creating recipes like a Chef Creating recipes might be one of the most challenging tasks when it comes to cooking, culinary arts and being a Chef in general. You might find yourself sometimes looking at these amazing fine-dining dishes that Michelin Star Chefs post on Instagram, TikTok or Youtube, and you tell yourself… wow! How did she come up with this?… It looks incredible, but also unachievable!  What’s the though process here? Where to start from? Well, if that you, you’re in luck! Because that’s exactly what we’ll be breaking down in this blog post, on the example of creating recipes that are a fusion of cuisines.  Hopefully, after reading this blog post on creating recipes, you’ll get from the point of someone who silently admires the works of famous Chefs, to a position of a person who can create your own unique, beautiful and most importantly delicious dishes! Dishes that tell your culinary stories. Case study: Creating fusion recipes Sit down and think, is there a specific cuisine that feels close to your heart and your want to address in your dish? For example, let’s say your family heritage comes from Asia, but you live in the US now, and you’d love to share some true Asian flavors with your American friends. If that’s the case for you, here we go! You got yourself a theme for your first independent dish: American classics with Asian flavors, a.k.a. Asian-American fusion. Let’s take this example and use it for our first case study. Make 2 Lists First of all, creating fusion dishes is A LOT of fun! It’s one of my favorite things to do in cooking. When I need to create a dish that’s a fusion of certain cuisines,  I’d usually take my notepad out and make 2 lists. 1 list for each cuisine, and include in each things like staple dish, iconic flavours, ingredients of each cuisine, and so on. Whatever comes to your mind when you think of the food of that particular country. So for example, in the list of American cuisine I’m writing: Burgers, pizza, soda drinks, high sugar levels, BBQ, ketchup, smoke, hot dogs, fast-food themes, steaks, corn, pumpkins, ranch… sorry my American friends, if what comes to my mind is too unhealthy sounding… you might have totally different things on your list, depending on where exactly you come from in the US, and your family traditions. So just do you, do your own list. And the same goes for Asian list: I have here: rice, sushi, miso, soy sauce, tofu, spice (like … Asia is also a very broad generalization, I’m just giving you an example here… you maybe narrow yourself down a bit more to a specific country or region). Is there anything in-common? Step 2, once you get 2 lists. Look for things that both of this cuisines have in common. For example, American burger has ketchup in it, and in Asian cuisine you find sweetness is also a beloved flavour. So why not, substitute Ketchup for an Asian style sauce? Or in classic burger you’d use these milk buns, why not substitute those with Asian steamed buns with a touch of sesame seeds and sweet umami sauce? You see where I’m going with this? Now it’s your time to brain storm your lists. Once you get this 1st idea, all the other ones would usually start flowing your way, you’ll need to keep up with them to note everything down. I’d recommend to write as many ideas, as you can come up with. It’s always better to have a choice at the end. If you find this blog post useful and would like to learn more about cooking like a Chef and scale UP your overall culinary game, check out my online Culinary Academy. My online CULINARY ACADEMY Start today for just $50

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Chef Rudakova | Chicken fingers improved basic recipe | Chef vs. YouTube

How would a pro-Chef cook CHICKEN FINGERS? | Chef vs. YouTube [improved BASIC recipes]

How would a pro-Chef cook CHICKEN FINGERS? | Chef vs. YouTube [improved BASIC recipes] “Chef vs. YouTube” is a new YouTube series, that I’ve started on my channel. I’m going to use all my culinary knowledge & experience to try and improve popular YouTube video recipes. And, what a better way to launch this thing, than with a good old CHICKEN FINGERS recipe?!🤔 I’ve done my research, and it turns out that the most popular Chicken Fingers video recipe was made by Grandpa Kitchen, who had cooked a tone of good-looking, delicious chicken fingers for a group of orphan kids. Good cause, and we hope, this video will help to get him even more views and support. Watch Grandpa Kitchen’s video recipe HERE.  But for now, just for fun, let’s see if a professional Chef can improve this popular recipe🤓 PLEASE NOTE: This new YouTube series is, by no means, created to disrespect the creator of the original, popular recipe. The sole purpose of “Chef vs. YouTube” series is to challenge myself and push to create even better looking and more delicious food creations, and inspire others to do the same✌ You can watch the full video of me making Chicken Fingers here Part 1 – Chicken Fingers pressure marinade 42g Buttermilk  1.5g Salt 5g Honey 3g Mustard 520g boneless Chicken breasts Ingredients, you’ll need Directions Cut chicken into somewhat equal-size strips. Mix buttermilk, salt, honey and mustard together. Put chicken into the culinary siphon (make sure not to overload the siphon). Pour in the marinade as well. Close the siphon and charge with 2 N2O cartridges. Let the chicken pressure marinate for at least 20 min. Slowly release the pressure in the siphon. Remove chicken out of the siphon, clean off extra marinade. Sanitize the siphon. *Pressure created inside the siphon speeds up the marination process, by forcing the seasoning/flavouring ingredients into the chicken, and tenderizing it at the same time at higher speed. 20 min of pressure marination with a culinary siphon could be equal to 1-2 days of regular marination. Part 2 – Aerated chicken batter 200g Water 70g Tapioca starch 50g AP flour 1.7g Baking soda 0.34g Xanthan gum Ingredients Directions Blend all the ingredients together. Pour the batter mix into a culinary siphon. Charge with 2 cartridges. Let the batter out little-by-little, when using for frying chicken fingers, so it doesn’t loose its aerated texture too fast. Part 3 – Deep-frying Chicken Fingers Corn starch Vegetable oil Extra ingredients Directions Dredge the chicken in corn starch. Cover dredged chicken in aerated batter. Deep-fry in oil, heated to 370F / 187C. Eat ASAP, while the chicken fingers are still crisp and warm. Tools, you might need for this recipe **Images below are linked to third party websites, such as Amazon. Should you chose to purchase any of those items there, Chef Rudakova will receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Culinary Siphon Blender Food Digital Thermomether You might also like this Recommended Blog Posts Previous Next

How would a pro-Chef cook CHICKEN FINGERS? | Chef vs. YouTube [improved BASIC recipes] Read More »

Sensational MAC AND CHEESE | Chef’s Choice basic recipes

Sensational Mac and Cheese? What can be more basic, right? Well… yes and no. The classic Mac and Cheese recipe is rather simple and straight forward, and therefore, the taste is quite basic indeed. But, I’m not here for the basic taste. Basic, easy recipe – yes. But, no compromises on taste are accepted here.  This blog post is the ONLY POST you need to read to learn the secret behind the MOST CHEESY Mac’n’Cheese out there! No exaggeration, no clickbait, pure FACTS✌ You can watch the full video of me making Mac & Cheese here Part 1 – Cream Cheese for Mac’n’Cheese 65g Dry white wine 60g Weissbier 50g Water 12g Sodium citrate 5g Salt 1.25g Iota Carrageenan 95g Gruyere cheese 20g Parmigiano cheese 170g Havarti cheese Ingredients, you’ll need Directions Grate all the cheeses to small shred.  Cut Mozzarella to small cubes. Blend all the rest of the ingredients (except for Iota Carrageenan) together. Keep on blending and start adding Iota Carrageenan slowly-slowly, while blending continuously. Bring the mixture to boil and simmer for about 2 min, in order to gently evaporate the alcohol and hydrate the Iota Carrageenan.  Take the mix off the heat and immediately mix together with grated cheese. Once it’s mixed, take a hand blender and blend to a smooth consistency.  Transfer the cream cheese to a container, cool down to room temperature and then let it set for a couple of hours in the fridge. Part 2 – Sensational Mac and Cheese 100g Macaroni  500g Water 10g Salt 30g Cream Cheese (from above) 10g Mozzarella  Ingredients Directions Cook the macaroni of your choice in salty water, as per instructions on your pasta packaging. While the mac is cooking, blend together 2 tbsp of now set Cream Cheese (from part 1 above) and 2 tbsp of the hot salty and starchy water, in which macaroni are cooking. While the super-cheesy souse is hot, add in Mozzarella (pre-cut into small cubes), and mix thoroughly. Once the pasta is cooked to al dente, drain it and mix together with the cheese sauce. Enjoy! Tools & ingredients, you might need for this recipe **Images below are linked to third party websites, such as Amazon. Should you chose to purchase any of those items there, Chef Rudakova will receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Microplane Zester Blender Iota Carrageenan You might also like this Recommended Blog Posts Previous Next You can watch more of my cooking videos on my YouTube channel Modern gastronomy, vegan recipes, recreation of famous dishes and much more Watch now

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