Greek food

Tzatziki powder

Tzatziki powder recipe

Tzatziki powder recipe Everyone loves Tzatziki! Sometimes, though, you can’t always use it in the original “liquid sauce” form… But in a dry form, form of powder, so many more doors will open to our beloved Tzatziki! Check out my “Tzatziki Rocks” or “Savoury Meringues” posts to see some of the cooking applications of the dehydrated Tzatziki powder. Part 1 of 2 – Make Tzatziki 500g Greek yogurt 2 Cucumbers (grated; flash only; no juice) 2 cloves Garlic (rasped) 1 Lemon (rasped; 1/2 juice) …. FULL RECIPE INCLUDED WITH CULINARY ACADEMY Ingredients, you’ll need Full Recipe is Part of the CULINARY ACADEMY Join TODAY and have access to all Classes + Recipes. Once enrolled, you’ll get a LIFETIME ACCESS to the academy, incl. all the new upcoming cooking lectures and modules and this recipe. ENROLL

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Modernistic Greek Ravioli


Modernistic Greek ravioli… Blasphemy or the way to go?? Having lived almost half of my life in the Mediterranean, Greek food has firmly taken a very special place in my heart  You might have noticed that from my several “tzatziki” themed videos. However, this time, the spotlight is on Greek Ravioli! I promise I won’t be altering the original flavour too much… I’m only gonna play with texture, colour scheme and plating of this magnificent traditional Greek dish. The style that we are going for in this Modernistic Greek ravioli recipe is “sophisticated simplicity”, a very simple, yet modern and clean look. You can watch the full video of me making Modernistic GREEK RAVIOLI here Part 1 of 4 – Blue Ravioli dough 1/2 cup Clitoria Ternatea flowers 450ml Hot water …. FULL RECIPE INCLUDED WITH CULINARY ACADEMY Ingredients, you’ll need Directions Steep the magical Clitoria Ternatea flowers in about 450ml of hot water for 20 min to achieve a deep blue colour. Strain the liquid and reserve 400ml only. Whisk in salt, so the salt is fully dissolved and won’t potentially rip the dough during further steps. Cool down the blue salty liquid to at least room temperature. ….. Full Recipe is Part of the CULINARY ACADEMY Join TODAY and have access to all Classes + Recipes. Once enrolled, you’ll get a LIFETIME ACCESS to the academy, incl. all the new upcoming cooking lectures and modules and this recipe. read more

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